Root Excavation Reveals Tree Health Issues

Root Excavation Reveals Tree Health Issues

Tree Root Excavation Key to Health and Safety Your trees depend up strong, stable and healthy roots to survive. That’s why a thorough inspection of the root system is so important. Warning Signs of Root Problems An inspection by your Liberty Arborist may...
Why Are There Brown Patches On My Lawn?

Why Are There Brown Patches On My Lawn?

Your lawn is a source of pride, so it’s important to do everything you can to care for it properly. That’s why it’s so frustrating when brown patches appear.  Below, you’ll find some of the common causes of brown patches and how to fix them. Brown Patch Disease...
What Plants Attract Spotted Lanternflies?

What Plants Attract Spotted Lanternflies?

First found in Berks County in 2014, the Spotted Lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) continues to affect the quality of our residential life and economy in Pennsylvania. The feeding habits of this invasive plant hopper are not only a nuisance; they have the potential to...